Now combine Mobile, PC Phone, Voicemail, PBX, and Internet Fax in one - RingCentral


Written on Friday, September 21, 2007 by Gemini

Once upon a time there were very few telephone lines and a very few privileged people had access to it and could actually afford it. Later came mobile phones and telecommunication got instant boost! With the ever-evolving Internet, it became more approachable and affordable. Nowadays, more and more business throng on an effective customer support system and call centers (in any form) are one of the most essential ingredients of a successful business.

A call center will prosper if it appeals to consumers and there is not better way than to have a toll-free number! However, getting a dedicated toll-free number for yourself is quite a process, typically called “red tape” – lots of paper work, government approvals and what not.

How about getting your own toll-free number with just a few clicks? I am not joking! Seriously!! Boost your business image and accessibility immediately with a toll free number. The toll free number gives a nationwide, big business image and allows customers to call you for free, making it more likely that they’ll call. It’s all made possible by RingCentrala revolutionary concept in online telephony. RingCentral’s technology receives the call to the toll free number and distributes it to the telephones you select, in the manner you configure through easy set up tools. You can direct all calls to a single telephone, such as your home phone, all the time and have RingCentral do nothing else, or you can take advantage of RingCentral’s flexible and powerful Virtual PBX to create a phone answering and routing system equal to that of a Fortune 500 company.

RingCentral’s easy sign up steps let you pick your number before you sign up. If you already have a toll free number, RingCentral can work with that, too. However, when you set up your toll free number, RingCentral will keep track of all your calls in your Call Log and give you real-time call management through our exclusive Call Controller software and through advanced call screening abilities. Activated immediately, your toll free number comes with RingCentral’s complete line of advanced telephone and fax features that give you all the functions of an expensive PBX without the expense.

Here I am listing some of the key features of RingCentral – Try it free today:

· Choose an 800, 888, 877, 866 or vanity number. You can choose a number that works best for you, including a vanity number. RingCentral’s easy sign up process lets you pick a number before you complete your registration, to ensure you get what you want.

· Rates as low as 3.9¢/min - no double billing RingCentral will not double charge for domestic forwarded calls. Some competitors advertise 2.9¢/min rate but actually charge 5.8¢ for a 1-minute conversation because they charge for both ends of the call: the incoming call and your answering time. At RingCentral, there are no hidden charges.

· Route calls to any phone worldwide. You can route callers to your business, home, mobile or any other phone worldwide.

· Have your toll free number appear as your caller ID. RingCentral’s exclusive RingOut click-to-call feature allows you to place calls with a click of a mouse. You can even use your toll free number as your caller ID.

· Additional benefits: Your toll free number comes with an online call manager to react to calls in real-time plus a click-to-call component and an ability to automatically route callers based on who they are and when they're calling. You also get custom music on hold, a dial-by-name directory, an award-winning fax service and more. You can use your toll free number alone or with multiple extensions and an auto-attendant to form a Virtual PBX.

Interested? Try it free today!

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