Blog Dictionary - Blog Bible for your ready reference...


Written on Tuesday, January 29, 2008 by Gemini

While creating / modifying / just reading blogs, you must have come across many terms, which confused you and you were desperate to know what they really mean...

So don't worry... Keeping in mind the great need to have a consolidated list of all the terms used in the blogging industry, I present to you "Blog Dictionary"...

Do not forget to send your comments / suggestions... If you think I have missed any term, please drop in a comment and I would include it!

Bookmark this post for your future needs...

Happy Reading!!

Autocasting: Automated form of podcasting that allows bloggers and blog readers to generate audio
versions of text blogs from RSS feeds.

Audioblog: A blog where the posts consist mainly of voice recordings sent by mobile phone, sometimes with some short text message added for metadata purposes. (cf. podcasting)

Blaudience: The audience, or readership, of a blog.

Blath: A math oriented blog. A portmanteau of “math” and “blog”.

Blog Carnival: A blog article that contains links to other articles covering a specific topic. Most blog carnivals are hosted by a rotating list of frequent contributors to the carnival, and serve to both generate new posts by contributors and highlight new bloggers posting matter in that subject area.

Blistless or B-listless: When a blogger becomes listless or apathetic about posting. It is also
indicative of what will happen to the blogger’s mailing list.

Blog client: (weblog client) is software to manage (post, edit) blogs from operating system with no need to launch a web browser. A typical blog client has an editor, a spell-checker and a few more options that simplify content creation and editing.

Blogger: Person who runs a blog. Also, a popular blog hosting web site. Rarely: weblogger.

Bloggies: One of the most popular blog awards.

Blog Farm: A website constructed from a group of linked weblogs, typically with the main blog aggregating the total content/acting as a gateway.

Blog feed: The XML-based file in which the blog hosting software places a machine-readable version of the blog so that it may be “syndicated” for further distribution on the web. Formats such as RSS and Atom are used to structure the XML file.

Blog Hopping: To follow links from one blog entry to another, with related side-trips to various articles, sites, discussion forums, and more.

Bloglet: A small blog entry, usually one or two sentences long.

Blogoneer: A portmanteau of “blog” and “pioneer”, meaning a person who blogs with an expert or pioneering attitude.

Blogorrhea: A portmanteau of “blog” and “logorrhea”, meaning excessive and/or incoherent talkativeness in a weblog.

Blogosphere: All blogs, or the blogging community. Also called blogistan or, more rarely, blogspace.

Blogroll: A list of blogs. A blogger features a list of their favorite blogs in the sidebar of their blog.

Blog site: The web location (URL) of a blog, which may be either a dedicated domain, a sub-domain, or embedded within a web site.

Blogsite: Sometimes confused with a simple blog or blog site, but a blogsite is a web site which combines blog feeds from a variety of sources, as well as non-blog sources, and adds significant value over the raw blog feeds.

Blogsnob: A person who refuses to respond to comments on their blog from people outside their circle of friends.

Blogstorm: When a large amount of activity, information and opinion erupts around a particular subject or controversy in the blogosphere, it is sometimes called a blogstorm or blog swarm.

BlogThis: Pioneered by, BlogThis links on a blog allow the reader to automatically generate a blog entry based on the blog entry he/she is reading, and post to their blog.

Blooger: A blogger who exhibits adolescent tendencies and lacks basic social graces or good manners. A portmanteau of “blog” and “booger.”

Categories: This is a method of organizing blog entries by assigning each entry to a predetermined topic. Each topic (category) will link to a list of entries, all with related content.

Celeblog: A blog detailing the lives of movie stars, musicians, and other celebrities, much like tabloid magazines. They often feature embarrassing or revealing paparazzi photos.

Comment spam: Like e-mail spam. Robot “spambots” flood a blog with advertising in the form of bogus comments. A serious problem that requires bloggers and blog platforms to have tools to exclude some users or ban some addresses in comments.

Clix: A person’s circle of online communities

Dark Blog: A non-public blog (e.g. behind a firewall)

Desktop Blogging Client: An off-line blog management (posting, editing and archiving) tool.

Fisking: To rebut a blog entry in a line-by-line fashion.

GBCW: The “Good Bye Cruel World” diary is when a Kossack decides that Daily Kos has become too (fill in the blank) or isn’t nearly (fill in the blank) enough for him or her to continue visiting the site. General chaos ensues in the Comments as other Kossacks agree, disagree, and wish the diarist good luck or good riddance.

Instalanche: Sudden and possibly overwhelming increase in traffic to a site after being linked to by the Instapundit.

Hits: Number of users visited is often referred as hits. (website / blog hits).

HT: “Hat Tip” An acknowledgment of the source where you found the noteworthy item.

Koufax: An annual quasi-Liberal webblog award.

Kos Kid: A term for any one who posts, or reads regularly, the blog Daily Kos. Also known as “Kwazy Kos Kids” after the eccentric nature of some of the members.

Lazy Web: Making a suggestion to an internet community in the hopes that someone else will do the work.

Link Love: linking to a site or blog, usually unsolicited, that you like, enjoy, or find useful.

Linkroll: A list of recently-bookmarked links with brief descriptions, in the sidebar of a blog.

Momosphere: Term to encompass blogs written by mothers. A portmanteau of “mom” and “blogosphere”.

Natural Blogarithm: Used to describe the vibe or rhythm of the blogging community. A portmanteau of blog and natural logarithm.

PENUS (Potentially Exciting News Under Scrutiny): Use this when you have something big that you can’t wait to show to the blogosphere.

Permalink (Permanent link : The unique URL of a single post. Use this when you want to link to a post

Phlog: Type of blog utilising the Gopher protocol instead of HTTP.

Ping: The alert in the TrackBack system that notifies the original poster of a blog post when someone else writes an entry concerning the original post.

Podcasting: Contraction of “iPod” and “broadcasting” (but not for iPods only). Posting audio and video material on a blog and its RSS feed, for digital players.

Post: An entry written and published to a blog.

RSS: Really Simple Syndication is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts.

RSS aggregator: Software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed, especially the latest posts on their favourite blogs. Also called a reader or feedreader.

RSS feed: The file containing a blog’s latest posts. It is read by an RSS aggregator/reader and shows at once when a blog has been updated. It may contain only the title of the post, the title plus the first few lines of a post, or the entire post.

Scribosphere: Term to encompass blogs written by professional and aspiring screenwriters. A portmanteau of “scribe” and “blogosphere”.

Shart: An acronym; Stubborn, Hostile And Resentful Troll, the most feared kind. A blog that falls victim to such a troll is said to have been “sharted”. A blogger who vandalises their own page for sympathy is said to have sharted

Shocklog: Weblogs to produce shocking discussions by posting various shocking content.

Spam blog: A blog which is composed of spam. A Spam blog or “any blog whose creator doesn’t add any written value.”

Slashdotted: The Slashdot effect can hit blogs or other website, and is caused by a major website (usually Slashdot, but also Digg, Metafilter, Boing Boing, Instapundit and others) sending huge amounts of temporary traffic that often slow down the server.

Subscribe: The term used when a blogs feed is added to a feed reader like Bloglines or Google. Some blogging platforms have internal subscriptions, this allows readers to receive notification when there are new posts in a blog.

Svithe: A spiritually themed post on a blog not normally focused on spiritual matters.

Template: Templates, used on the “back end” of a blog that work together to handle information and present it on a blog.

Theme: CSS based code that when applied to the templates will result in visual element changes to the
blog. The theme, as a whole, is also referred to as a blog design.

TrackBack: A system that allows a blogger to see who has seen the original post and has written another entry concerning it. The system works by sending a ‘ping’ between the blogs, and therefore providing the alert.

Troll: A commenter whose sole purpose is to attack the views expressed on a blog and incite a flamewar, for example, a liberal going to a conservative blog, or vice versa. The word trolling means literally ‘to fish’, ie. when the troll fishes for a clashback from the blog writer and/or pro commenters.Vloggers: Those who share streaming or downloaded video content on the web often engage in voraging, scouring search engines and obscure websites to present a curated collection of videos that usually fall within a set theme or editorial perspective.
Vlog: A video blog; a vlogger is a video blogger (e.g. someone who records himself interviewing people of a certain field).Vorage: A marriage between the words forage and video defined as “The act of foraging for video on the internet and sharing it with others.”

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